Born in 1958 father of 3 and grandfather of 6, Filipe de Botton has a Bachelor’s degree in Business
Management from “Universidade Católica Portuguesa”.
Between 1980 and 1991, he represented the following banks in Portugal:
Crédit du Nord (France), Banc de Sabadell (Spain), Banque Bruxelles Lambert (Belgium) and
Bayerische Hypotheken und Wechselbank (Germany).
From 1985 to 1990, Filipe de Botton was a Founder and Member of the Board of Interfinança , a
private bank sold to Millennium BCP, and, between 1990 and 1991, he was a Founder and Member
of the Board of Fonsecas & Burnay, Sociedade Gestora de Património, which is now part of the
BPI group.
In 1976, he founded Logoplaste with his father and became CEO and main shareholder in 1991.
Logoplaste is one of the main worldwide producers of rigid plastic. It has 70 factories in 16
countries – in Europe, NAFTA, Vietnam and Brazil – with sales of over €1Bio.
Filipe de Botton is also involved as a Shareholder and Director in:
Asset management services ( Sixty Degrees ) .
He is Founder President of the Portuguese Diaspora Counsel and a French Foreign Trade
He is also Founder of the CADin – Neurodevelopment and Inclusion who helps and serves
more than 40.000 families .
He was President of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa Alumni from 1989 to 2001,
Director of the Hotel da Lapa in Lisbon from 1990 to 1994 and Member of the Board of
Sporting Clube de Portugal between 2006 and 2009.
Hotels and resorts sector (hotels in Brazil and in Portugal) ( Portobay ),
Ice cream business ( Santini ),
Production of wine in Portugal ( Logowines ),
Largest producer of blueberries in Iberia ( Logofruits ),
Financial Consultant Service Company ( Invesfin ),
The largest creative hub in Portugal ( LACS ),
Main shareholder of production of stoneware plates and cups factory ( Mesacer ),